Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2007
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2007
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2007
Market Reforms in Lithuania and Society’s Expectations
Jolanta Solnyškinienė, Vlada Bartosevičienė
ABSTRACT. In the article, the data of poll on how society assesses directions and results of market reform in Lithuania are given. It was defined that society assesses results of market reform through prism of personal welfare changes. In context of institutional, economic and social system transformation the expectations of society are revealed, the factors that have critical effect on assessment of personal welfare, their identification as losers or winners during the reforms were defined.
It was found that the obejctive of reformers to effective recklessly public sector goes beyond the provisions of the fairness that entrenched in the society: public sector subjects (except subjects having economic activity) activity making more effective often is followed by reduction of rendered services volume and quality, that becomes the main cause of the society dissatisfaction.
KEYWORDS: welfare programs, social security, public goods, transitional economies, personal income, Lithuania.
JEL classification: H55, H53, H41, H24, P21.