Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2008
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2008
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2008
Cross-Cultural Dimensions: Organizational Culture in Philip Morris, Lietuva
Dainora Grundey
ABSTRACT. Business globalization raised the new priorities for cross-cultural management theory and practice. The goal of this article is- according to cross-cultural management and organizational culture theories to propose a new model of organizational culture with cross-cultural dimensions. The objectives of the paper are as follows: a) to disclose the essence of cross-cultural management and organizational culture; b) to carry out the empirical research of organizational culture in a selected Lithuanian company under the G. Hofstede’s methodology; c) to propose a model of organizational culture, which is based on cross-cultural management principles.
KEYWORDS: cross-cultural management, organizational culture, G.Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Philip Morris, Lietuva, Lithuania.
JEL classification: M14, M16, P2.