ISSN: 1648 - 4460

International Journal of Scholarly Papers


Transformations  in
Business & Economics

Transformations in
Business & Economics

  • © Vilnius University, 2002-2009
  • © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2009
  • © University of Latvia, 2002-2009
Promoting National and International Scientific Events
Title of the International Conference: SM 2008 (Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management)
Type of the International conference: 13th International Scientific Symposium
Organiser(s): Novi Sad University, The Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Republic of Serbia
Main topics of the International Conference:
  • The influence of logistic strategies and systems on the organization successfulness.
  • Logistics of purchase/production/storage/distribution.
  • Logistics systems design and development.
  • Management of logistics systems performance.
  • Logistics and communication-information systems.
  • Intelligent transport and logistics systems.
  • E-Logistics.
  • International logistics.
  • Logistics net in an organization.
  • Supply chain management and logistics technologies.
  • E-Supply chain management.
  • Business intelligence in supply chain management.
Language: Serbian and English
Date: 15 - 16th May, 2008
Main deadlines: Deadline for sending the broadened abstract (till 400 words): 10th March, 2008
Information on paper accepting: 20th March, 2008
Regular registration deadline: 4th April, 2008
Deadline for sending complete works: 25th April, 2008
Extended deadline for registration: 5th May, 2008
Venue: Lake Palic, Subotica, Republic of Serbia
Contact: Livica Rac
Tel.: +381 24 628 000 or +381 63 8 569 775
Conference Web Site:

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Title of the International Conference: EEFS 2008 (European Economics and Finance Society)
Type of the International Conference: 7th Annual International Conference
  • University of Economics (VŠE), Prague, Czech Republic;
  • Faculty of International Relations Research Plan, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic;
  • Centre of European Studies, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic;
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Czech Republic
Main topics of the International Conference: The theme of the (EEFS) Conference will be: “Globalised Labour and Capital Markets, National Resources and Shifts in Economic Power”. The Conference will focus on changes in the global economy and the European Integration process. Papers are solicited in areas such as:
  • Labour Economics.
  • International Trade and General Equilibrium.
  • Analysis of Financial Markets.
  • Macroeconomic Issues and Policy.
  • Growth and Development.
  • Factor Mobility.
  • European Integration.
  • International Monetary Economics.
  • Economics of Transition.
  • World Integration.
  • Economic Geography.
  • Spatial Economics.
  • Regional Economics and Policy.
  • Industrial Economics and Organisation.
  • New Political Economy.
  • Public Economics.
Language: English for the plenary sessions; English, Czech and Slovak for the sections
Date: 22 - 25th May, 2008
Main deadlines: Abstracts of papers and/or session proposals should be submitted by 20th January, 2008
Paper acceptances will be sent by 20th February, 2008
The deadline for the payment of the conference fee is 20th March, 2008
Deadline for booking the accommodation: 30th March, 2008
Deadline for sending the final version of papers: 15th April, 2008
Venue: University of Economics, Prague W. Churchill Sq. 4 130 67 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Contact: Dana Steinmetzová, University of Economics, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 224 098 528
Fax.: +420 224 095 233
Conference Web Site:

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Title of the International Conference: Economic Challenges of the 21st Century:
Poland – European Union - The World
Type of the International Conference: The 6th Annual Meeting of economic department and the International Conference of LAMA project.
  • Department of the Microeconomics, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Szczecin, Poland
Main topics of the International Conference: Main objectives:
  • Integration of researchers society
  • Presenting research results and discussion
  • Exchange of information of research trends and activity of economics departments
  • Discussion about micro- and macroeconomics problems in different countries and about them political implication, as well.
  • Discussion about educational problems of economics teaching

The main topic groups:
  • Education level – debatable issue.
  • State interventionism in the modern economy.
  • Market behaviour of enterprises and households.
  • Human capital in the economy.
Language: English, Polish
Date: 08 – 10th June, 2009
Main deadlines: Registration for conference (including paper topics and abstracts) - 28th February, 2009.
Feedback and topic acceptation - 20th March, 2009.
Participation fee payment - 30th March, 2009.
Full paper - 20th April, 2009.
Preliminary conference programme - 10th May, 2009.
Presentation (PowerPoint) must be sent - before 20th May, 2009.
Venue: Hotel Rybank, Miedzyzdroje, Poland.
Contact: University of Szczecin, Department of the Microeconomics, Mickiewicza 64/66 71-101 Szczecin
fax: (091) 444-21-37
Conference Web Site:

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Editorial correspondence:

Scholarly papers Transformations in Business & Economics
Kaunas Faculty
Vilnius University
Muitinės g. 8
Kaunas, LT-44280



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