Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2011
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2011
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2011

Methodology for the Economic Appraisal of Environmental Damages at Former Military Sites
Linas Cekanavicius
ABSTRACT. The paper presents the original methodology of economic valuation of environmental damages, developed by the author, for the purpose of appraisal economic losses related to the natural resource and environmental damage at Soviet/Russian military sites in Lithuania. Economic losses are discerned on the basis of environmental damage origins, time of occurrence and overcoming possibilities. The method for taking time-factor into account while estimating economic value of environmental damage, based on the notion of three types of cost, i.e. “past cost”, “present cost” and “future cost”, is suggested. Results of empirical application of developed methodology are presented. The developed methodology can serve as a blueprint for similar applications in other countries or for the economic assessment of other occurrences of environmental damages.
KEYWORDS: environmental damage, economic valuation, military sites, Lithuania.
JEL classification: Q22, Q23, Q24, Q51, P2.