Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2011
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2011
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2011

- Editorial 19
- Guest Editorial. Birute Visokaviciene, Arturas Kaklauskas, Birute Galiniene. Conceptual Model of Monetary Policy in Lithuania 20
- Special Editorial. Joan Llonch, Alex Rialp, Josep Rialp. Marketing Capabilities, Enterprise Optimization Programs and Performance in Early Transition Economies: The Case of Cuban SOEs 45
- Articles
- Financial and Economic Transformations in the EU
- Algirdas Miskinis, Martina Mikneviciute. Comparative Analysis of FDI Incentives in New EU Member States 72
- Asta Klimaviciene, Donatas Pilinkus. The Impact of Sovereign Credit Rating Changes on the Stock Markets in Central and Eastern Europe 87
- Stefan Bojnec, Laure Latruffe. Farm Size and Efficiency during Transition: Insights from Slovenian Farms 104
- Socio-Economic Valuation of Selected Industrial Sectors
- Karel Janda, Jakub Mikolasek. Success in Economic Transformation of the Czech Beer Industry and Its Social Costs and Benefits 117
- Lidija Hauptman, Vito Bobek, Vesna Cancer, Igor Perko, Romana Korez Vide. Policy Support for the Internationalization of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises: Evidence from Slovenia 138
- Daniel Solomon. The Effectiveness of Candidate Campaign Expenditure Given Candidate Career Success: An Interaction Term Study of Challengers and Incumbents for US House Elections 155
- Sustainable Solutions for Developing Industries
- Rita Vilke. Advanced Tools for Community Value-Based Change: CSR Integrated Balanced Scorecard Systems 172
- Alena Kocmanova, Mirko Dohnal, Tomas Meluzin. Qualitative Equationless Models as Simple Integrators of Vague Sustainability Knowledge Items 187
- Petras Barsauskas, Ralph-Jörn Kurschus, Vaida Pilinkiene. The Influence of the Global Crisis on German Economy 197
- Reviews
- Book Reviews 213
- Reviews on Doctoral Dissertations 217
- Reviews on International and National Conferences and Seminars 220
- Promoting National and International Scientific Events 224
- Promoting International Scientific Networks 227
- Notes for Contributors 231