Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012

Knowledge Based MDA Requirements Specification and Validation Technique
Audrius Lopata, Martas Ambraziunas, Saulius Gudas
ABSTRACT. The scope of this survey is to present the main steps of Knowledge- Based MDA related Computation Independent Model’s (CIM) creation technique. The survey covers problem domain analysis and user requirements specification stages of information system’s engineering life cycle. The main idea of this research is to improve the problem domain analysis and user requirements specification stages in order to create a better quality user requirements specification document. The survey proposes knowledge-based subsystem integration into MDA approach, thus improving and intellectualizing information system engineering process in order to reduce the quantity of errors and increase the quality of final product- information system.
KEYWORDS: Business and IT Alignment Model, Strategic Alignment Model, Knowledge-Based Information System Engineering, Model Driven Architecture, Enterprise Meta-Model, UML, Computation Independent Model, Platform Independent Model, Platform Specific Model.
JEL classification: M15, Y80.