Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012

Solutions for the Statistical Analysis of the Economic Phenomena Described as Opposed, Partially of Entirely Compensated Fluxes: a Case Study on the Exports and Imports of Romania and the Baltic States
Gheorghe Savoiu, Vasile Dinu
ABSTRACT. This study highlights the importance of partially or integrally compensated fluxes, which are interrelated and complementary from the perspective of economics, not only for reasons of theory, but also through their statistical measurements. The first section presents the major statistical methods and instruments concerning the economic fluxes. In the second part, some economic and statistical concepts, like the terms foreign trade indices, specialization and concentration are explained, followed by a proposal for the extension of a new method for characterizing the import and export fluxes, based on identifying the limits of these fluxes using Damien Neven Index and Gini-Struck coefficient in ABC curve. The third section is a brief analysis of the evolution of the Baltic States - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - which are compared, both mutually, and with Romania. The entire paper focuses on finding the best adequate theoretical frame, method and instruments to deal with this statistical analysis.
KEYWORDS: economic fluxes, partially or integrally compensated, international research method of foreign trade, concentration – specialization, Romania, the Baltic States.
JEL classification: C43, C46, E 31, O24, P33, R12, P2.