Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012

- Editorial 19
- Guest Editorial. Vilte Auruskeviciene, Donata Vianelli, James Reardon. Comparison of Consumer Ethnocentrism Behavioural Patterns in Transitional Economies 20
- Special Editorial. Gurcharan P. Singh, Edward Sek Khin Wong, Susila Munisamy. Banking Liberalisations and its Future Performance in the South Asian Region 36
- Articles
- Developing Financial and Migration Instruments
- Vladimir Njegomir, Rado Maksimovic. The Overview of Some Basic Issues in Insurance Market – The Case of Serbian Insurance Risk Transfer Market 51
- Tomasz Bernat. Determinants of Social Losses Caused by the Monopolization: The Example of Open Pension Funds in Poland 70
- Yuriy Bilan. Specificity of Border Labour Migration 82
- Cases in Sustaining Industry Development
- Sigita Balzaraviciene, Vaida Pilinkiene. Evaluation of Competitiveness of Lithuanian Economic Sectors Using Competitiveness Indices: Impact of European Union Funding 98
- Jurij Jaklic, Ales Groznik, Tatjana Huber, Marko Svetina, Peter Trkman, Mojca Indihar Stemberger. A Link-up between Business Process Orientation and Efficiency Improvements in a Supply Chain: The Case Study from the Wholesale Business 117
- David Lopez Berzosa, Jose-Angel Miguel Davila, Carmen de Pablos Heredero. Business Model Transformation in the Mobile Industry: Co-Creating Value with Customers 134
- Infrastructural Transformations
- Jacinta Moreira, Maria Jose Silva. City Marketing and Identity: Study Applied for Small Cities in Rural and Peripheral Areas 149
- Jurate Cerneviciute, Rolandas Strazdas, Zilvinas Jancoras. Development of Vilnius Creative Industries by Promoting Clustering 162
- Vladislav V. Fomin, Rimvydas Lauzikas, Vykintas Vaitkevicius, Daiva Vitkute-Adzgauskiene. Building Knowledge Society in Lithuania – Towards „Heritage-Aware” National Information Infrastructure 180
- Organisational Applications in SCR and Communicational Studies
- Asta Valackiene, Diana Miceviciene. Benchmarking of Corporate Social Responsibility: From the Perspective of Stakeholders to the Interests of an Enterprise 202
- Jolita Vveinhardt. Identification of the Reliability of Methodological Characteristics of Quality in the Diagnostic Instrument for Mobbing as Discrimination in Employee Relations on Purpose to Improve the Climate in Lithuanian Organisations 218
- Agota Giedre Raisiene. Restructuring Organization for Performance and Effectiveness: Applying Formal and Informal Electronic Communication Tool 233
- Reviews
- Book Reviews 246
- Reviews on Doctoral Dissertations 250
- Promoting National and International Scientific Events 252
- Promoting International Scientific Networks 254
- Notes for Contributors 257