Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012

Benchmarking of Corporate Social Responsibility: From the Perspective of Stakeholders to the Interests of an Enterprise
Asta Valackiene, Diana Miceviciene
ABSTRACT. The paper highlights a resent development of contradictory socio-economic phenomena: on the one hand the pressure from stakeholder groups increases requiring paying the wide public for commercial activity, on the second one – businesses sharpen the debate on constantly growing cost of social responsibility. Applying and emphasizing this methodological position the paper conceptually released a couple of approaches to CSR principles in enterprises range of activities and motives: firstly, the application of CSR results is presented as positive, another opinion – this should be assessed with reservation (in practice, CSR commitment obliges a company detecting the changes in business environment distinguish specific opportunities and objectives). This contradiction is becoming increasingly important with uncertainty about future policy decisions and economic trends, so the main conceptual objective of this scientific analysis – to asses the extent of stakeholders’ interests is correlated with internal business purposes: Scientific problem is formulates as a question – to reveal, how stakeholder groups influence the businesses, adjusting their strategies and field reporting? The paper aims at discussing and presenting critical reviews. It was established that precisely this fact encourages a company pursuing CSR issues restructuring the business: the interests of shareholders stakeholders must meet the values and objectives of shareholders. In accordance with the provision of business the company can focus on socially responsible enterprise status assess the stakeholders’ role in the implementation of CSR with emphasis on methodological positions in development of conceptual strategies by offering an intensification of the impact on businesses over the past assumptions and applicability of the possibilities.
Thought explanation of logical construct of the paper the authors specify methodological insights that suggest that effective stakeholder groups and business interactions not only guarantee the continued socio-economic development of society, but also makes a profit on the assumption of socially responsible business conduct.
KEYWORDS: corporate social responsibility, stakeholder, enterprises, benchmarking.
JEL classification: M14, M21, P13, P21.