Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012

City Marketing and Identity: Study Applied for Small Cities in Rural and Peripheral Areas
Jacinta Moreira, Maria Jose Silva
ABSTRACT. This research aims to study the identity of cities, presenting a proposed conceptual model and applying the model of the city identity study to the case of a small city in rural and peripheral areas of Portugal, namely Covilhã. It has as reference sources several approaches, conducted construction of the model, and this is comprised of four different forms: current identity, communicational identity, ideal identity and desired identity.
For data collection two strategies were used: document analysis and in depth personal semi-structured interviews. These data were processed through content analysis techniques. Results obtained from the analysis of cities’ identities should generate a competitive positioning, differentiating and reinforcing the city’s attractions, which is only possible through the construction of a clear, strong, rich and effective identity. In terms of implications, the study and recommendations are made having in view a better coordination among the different actors in the institutions involved so that the city marketing they offer can be more effective in the future. This paper presents an innovative contribution since the results obtained conducted dissemination of insightful and original marketing knowledge regarding the city marketing. This study highlights the contributions that marketing can provide in what regards the development of small cities, giving special emphasis to their identity.
KEYWORDS: city marketing; place marketing; city identity; city, small cities; Portugal.
JEL classification: M31, M38, Z1.