Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012

Identification of the Reliability of Methodological Characteristics of Quality in the Diagnostic Instrument for Mobbing as Discrimination in Employee Relations on Purpose to Improve the Climate in Lithuanian Organisations
Jolita Vveinhardt
ABSTRACT. In analysing the influence of dysfunctional relations of individuals such as mobbing upon organization climate, the discrimination aspect emerges. Mobbing and discrimination has a lot of contact points as mobbing is named as the relationship of discrimination character the work environment.
This article does not pursue to elaborate the criteria of mobbing and discrimination, the correlation to climate factors; however, several accents should be mentioned – a person experiencing mobbing experience discrimination as well, and in highlighting the discrimination character the conception of mobbing enlarges. It presents the instrument reliability in respect of repeated actions by measuring with the Spearman–Brown coefficient; it discusses the correlation of unit entity by more detailed presentation of the indicator suitability and / or incongruity to the distinguished scale. During the primary factorisation the entity of criteria is calculated, during the second – the criteria are incorporated in scales. In order to identify whether mobbing is the factor influencing the state of organization climate, the regression model was applied. Both mobbing and discrimination negatively influence organization climate; however, discriminating relations not necessarily can be mobbing. The article compares the methodological quality of the subscales of the pilot and basic research instrument according to the meanings of the Cronbach alpha reliability.
KEYWORDS: mobbing, discrimination, interpersonal relations, organization climate, diagnostics, instrument, methodological characteristics, Lietuva.
JEL classification: M12, M14, M19, P2.