Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2012
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2012
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2012
Evolution of Enterprises’ Size Regarding Employment in the European Union Countries
Teresa Kaminska, Leszek Czerwonka
ABSTRACT. The paper explores the structure of businesses in the context of welfare, measured by GDP per capita, among the EU countries. The main issue is to find relationships between quantity of enterprises, their size, as well as age and their possible impact on market competition. The theoretical foundations are: literature stream of age, size and growth of the company, internationalisation of enterprises, models of competition and risks (including waste). The main hypothesis to be verified states that if the EU institutions favour small and medium enterprises (SME), in countries where more companies means greater prosperity (GDP per capita), most companies should be just the type of SME. The scientific aim is reached by applying methods of statistical description such as correlation.
KEYWORDS: European Union countries, enterprises’ size, small and medium enterprises, development.
JEL classification: O12, O47, F40, D40.