Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2013
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2013
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2013

The Achievement of Selected Millennium Development Goals in the Least Developed Countries
Eduardo Cuenca Garcia, Margarita Navarro Pabsdorf
ABSTRACT. This article presents a new proposal for the measurement of development, applied to the Least Developed Countries and their progress towards achievement of the Millennium Goals. Our analysis uses the P2 distance method for the year 2007, the last date for which information is available for every country. This index, which integrates socio-economic variables, allows for a territorial ordering among the LDCs and determines the variables that impact on the index most. These data will allow for more precise measurements of political economy dealing with the improvement of conditions in each country. This method is developed to carry out interspatial and intertemporal analysis.
KEYWORDS: synthetic indicators, territorial disparities, least developed countries, economic development, millennium goals.
JEL classification: I38, R11, R58.