Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2013
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2013
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2013

Evaluation of Service Quality in Fitness Centres
Edmundas Jasinskas, Diana Reklaitiene, Biruta Svagzdiene
ABSTRACT. The research goal of the article is to evaluate the quality of services in fitness centres in Kaunas. For the aim of the article to be achieved, the authors strive to determine the applicability of service quality assessment models for the evaluation of service quality in fitness centres, to analyze the findings of underlying research referring to the quality of services in fitness centres And to determine the quality of services in fitness centres in Kaunas from the customer’s standpoint. SERVQUAL, SQAS and QUESC models were selected as the most suitable models to measure the quality of services in fitness centres. These models have specific quality criteria that can be used to evaluate the quality of services in fitness centres. The models are supplementary and provide information for the improvement of service quality and building customer loyalty. The analysis of questionnaires used for the evaluation of services revealed that the quality of services did not exceed customers’ expectations and the needs of fitness centres customers were not met. However, the difference between the expected and received quality was insignificant and the customers regarded the quality of services in fitness centres as acceptable.
KEYWORDS: service quality, fitness centres, SERVQUAL.
JEL classification: L15, L83, L31, M11, M21, P2.