Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2013
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2013
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2013

Evolution of Entrepreneurial Skills in Transition Economies: The Case of Georgia
Ismail Ozsoy, Azer Dilanchiev, Birol Gormez
ABSTRACT. This study mainly investigates the evolution process of entrepreneurial skills in transition economies. Furthermore, it investigates the current barriers that hinder the development of these skills in such economies with a reference to Georgian economy that has been experiencing a transition from a centrally planned economy into a free market economy. It also offers some solutions to surmount these obstacles being questioned. Hence, we interviewed some of the entrepreneurs in Georgian Lilo market both, in 2004 and 2010. In addition to the interviews, we have exercised our own observations about the market, the entrepreneurs therein, and the whole Georgian economy to clarify the matters of investigation of this paper. The findings prove that the entrepreneurial abilities of the interviewee businessmen have been in progress. They are able to perform many economic activities they would not have been able to and they even did not know how to under socialist rules. They can build their own businesses, produce, sell and buy, export and import all kinds of goods and services on their behalf. Georgia is on the way to having contemporary entrepreneurs of free market economies in spite of the hindrances that retard the development of their entrepreneurial abilities.
KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship, Transition Economies, Socialism, Free Market, Soviet man.
JEL classification: 26, N85, P39.