Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2013
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2013
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2013

Shift in Functions and Competences of Human Resources Management Professionals in the Context of the Labour Market Transformation
Greta Druteikiene, Rima Cesyniene, Asta Stankeviciene
ABSTRACT. The management of human resources (HR) in any organisation does not take place in a vacuum and its content and form (methods and procedures) are affected by various internal and external factors. One of the external factors which cause substantial concern is the socio-demographic environment in which the company is located. The last 2-3 decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century witnessed considerable and inter-related shifts in the social and demographic environment. They have transformed the labour markets in many countries including Lithuania. These changes demand a new approach to the management of human resources, affect the decisions of HR specialists, and put forth new requirements for the competences of such experts. The objective of this article is to find out what impact the transformation of the labour market has on the functions of HR specialists and on the competences necessary to execute those functions. The authors analyse the findings of the research conducted in 2011-2012, the respondents of which were 160 senior managers and professionals from HR departments in 92 Lithuanian companies. The research revealed that in contemporary organisations, the functions of professionals in HR departments have become more diverse and are increasingly directed towards satisfying the needs of the business. This creates a lack of particular competences and demands a multi-faceted approach towards their development.
KEYWORDS: values, commitment, culture, Estonia, Germany, Greece and Romania.
JEL classification: M14, M19, P2.