Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2013
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2013
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2013

Logistical Aspects of Japan’s Economic Development
Ramunas Mackevicius, Stasys Girdzijauskas, Dalia Streimikienė, Neringa Barakauskaite–Jakubauskiene
ABSTRACTEconomic systems’ fluctuations’ dynamics is affected by the internal powers and processes of economic system, therefore one of the fundamental roles is played by the market capacity closure factor which is based on innovative processes and the saturation effect. At the point of view of economic logistic theory the factor of market capacity through the saturation effect, the market heat, over-production and the economic bubble processes fundamentally occurs at the system’s cycle growth and peak phases time, while at the time of the crisis (bottom) phase are particularly significant the innovations’ implementation processes on the basis of which a new market is created (or is substantially modified the operation of the old market). The articles analyzes the evolution of the Japanese economy and the cyclical nature of the 1945-2010 period, is performed logistic analysis, are evaluated country’s development specific characteristics, logistic saturation values based on actual annual real GDP data are calculated the regression equations, showing the logistical GDP variation nature. Also there are defined the Japanese economic system’s development stages and integrate periods, innovative restructuring processes that conditioned the growth, factors that extended the systems’ market capacity.
KEYWORDS: market capacity, saturation effect, logistic analysis, the bubble process, Japan.
JEL classification: E17, E22, E27, E37.