Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2014
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2014
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2014
Virginija Jureniene, Martynas Radzevicius
ABSTRACT.Managing heritage sites act as a link between the national (most often - public) heritage institutions, cultural heritage consumers (tourists) and local community. The last item - the local community - is a factor, without which it would be impossible properly interpret the heritage and create an authentic experience for tourists. All of the above given elements must work closely and productively collaborate in shaping of particular area heritage tourism products, their supply and marketing. So the aim of this article is to analyse the practices and models for cultural heritage management, which are practically used in the world. There are many various models and concepts developed in the scientific literature and heritage management practice how to properly manage cultural heritage, but authors focus on the UNESCO practices, so there will be disccused three heritage management models - the ANZECC, AHC (developed by Australian heritage organizations) and NWHF.
KEYWORDS: cultural heritage, marketing, local community, heritage tourism products, models.
JEL classification: H4, L82, R11, Z1.