ISSN: 1648 - 4460

International Journal of Scholarly Papers


Transformations  in
Business & Economics

Transformations in
Business & Economics

  • © Vilnius University, 2002-2016
  • © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2016
  • © University of Latvia, 2002-2016
About Author
Ondrej Zizlavsky,
  Ph.D. (in Economics), is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology, where he specialises in innovation, R&D management control and finances. His research primarily aims at understanding what drives the success of innovation, and how to measure and develop innovative performance in a company. His work has been published in three monographs, in a number of scientific peer-reviewed journals indexed in Web of Knowledge, Scopus, EBSO, DOAJ, and in two book chapters. He has been a speaker at conferences on the subjects of innovation, performance management and innovative potential development.
Editorial correspondence:

Scholarly papers Transformations in Business & Economics
Kaunas Faculty
Vilnius University
Muitinės g. 8
Kaunas, LT-44280



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