Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2006
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2006
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2006
Book Reviews

Author (Editor): | Stasys GIRDZIJAUSKAS |
Author’s Affiliation: | Dean, assoc. prof. dr. at Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University, Lithuania |
Title: | Financial Analysis (Finansinė analizė, Lith.) |
Subtitle: | Quantitative methods (Kokybiniai metodai, Lith.) |
Year: | 2005 |
Publisher: | Publishing House of Vilnius University (VUL), Lithuania |
Volume: | 357 pages |
Type of publication: | Hard covers |
Language: | Lithuanian |
ISBN: | 9986-19-825-9 |
For more information contact: |
Please, read the full text in the international journal of scholarly papers.
Review Two:
“Doomed To Be Loyal? Challenges for Marketers and Customers”
prepared by assoc. prof. dr. Dainora Grundey (Vilnius University, Lithuania)

Authors (Editors): | Edyta RUDAWSKA |
Author’s Affiliation: | Lecturer, dr. at Department of Marketing,
Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Szczecin, Poland |
Title: | Customers’ Loyalty (Klientų lojalumas, Lith.) |
Subtitle: | Marketing without mysteries: Monograph (Rinkodara be paslapčių: monografija, Lith.) |
Year: | 2005 |
Publisher: | PWE (Polish Economic Publisher) |
Volume: | 172 pages |
Type of publication: | Paperback |
Language: | Polish |
ISBN: | 83-208-1558-4 |
For more information contact: |
Please, read the full text in the international journal of scholarly papers.
Review Three:
“Customer Relationship Management: Towards Long-Term Relationship Building with Customers in Poland”
prepared by assoc. prof. dr. Dainora Grundey (Vilnius University, Lithuania)

Authors (Editors): | Ewa FRANCKIEWICZ¹, Edyta RUDAWSKA² |
Authors’ Affiliation: |
Title: | CRM as a Customer Relationship Management Tool in Services Market (Klientų ryšių valdymas kaip paslaugų rinkos įrankis, Lith.) |
Subtitle: | Monograph |
Year: | 2005 |
Publisher: | University of Szczecin Publishing House |
Volume: | 132 pages |
Type of publication: | Paperback |
Language: | Polish |
ISBN: | 83-7241-482-3 |
For more information contact: |
Please, read the full text in the international journal of scholarly papers.