Promoting International Scientific Networks

- Ternopil public organization (NGO)
- “Centre of sociological research” (CSR)
- Тернопільська обласна громадська організація
- «Центр соціологічних досліджень» (ЦСД)
Konovalca Str, 10/49
46020, Ternopil
Tel.: +380 98 4783673
Centre of Sociological Research (CSR):
- conducts analytical sociological research covering issues of social and economic development of Ternopil district;
- conducts projects independently as well as in cooperation with other local and international organizations;
- gives Ukrainian scientists the opportunity to cooperate and exchange experience and information with partners from other countries and institutions;
- organizes scientific seminars, conferences and educational.
The key areas of interest include:
- Creation of unions of young scientists and professionals from Central and Eastern Europe which have large experience in the field of social projects realizing.
- Development of integrated information and research systems/networks covering scientific achievements of East European countries.
- Migration policy of EU countries relatively to the national migration policy in the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe.
- National policy relatively to the participation of women in scientific life in the CEE countries.
- Research “Student’s entrepreneurship” in CEE countries.
Mission of Centre of Sociological Research:
- We support the development of international cooperation in the sphere of sociological research and sociology.
- We organize social partnership.
- We support the cooperation of scientists in the field of sociological research.
- Our fundamental principle is the mutually-beneficial partnership